
Kiker (Aller, 1949) His mastery of drawing and color, imagination, expressiveness, irony, fine metaphorical ability that possess, as well as his exceptional talent to reinvent itself, are some of the characteristics defining the style of this artist whose work always has a recurring theme: “The man and his circumstances”. Even in its landscapes, flowers, still lives […]

Víctor López

Víctor López (Madrid, 1975) Víctor López presents us with a dream world of vibrant tones, endearing characters and impossible stories. With a figuration very close to illustration and elements borrowed from the Surrealists, López presents us with paintings, reliefs and sculptures full of criticism and irony. An eye observes the cosmos through a keyhole, a […]

David Magan

David Magán (Madrid, 1979) David Magán works with sculpture and installation, exploring the possibilities of these concepts in relation to the space they inhabit.  Hiss sculptures are presented as geometric modules, made of acrylic or glass. They are dynamic structures in constant change according to the location they are viewed from and the constructive possibilities […]

Gerard Mas

Gerard Mas, Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona, 1976) He studied at the School of Applied Arts and artistic crafts “Llotja” in Barcelona, specializing in sculpture and stone carving. He graduated as conservator and restorer D’escultura in the “Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns culturals de Catalunya” in Barcelona. Gerard Mas’s sculpture poses a dialogue […]

Alejandro Mieres

Alejandro Mieres (Astudillo, Palencia, 1927 – Gijón, 2018) Prominent normative art representative, Alejandro Mieres develops a language based on geometric rhythmic modulations, subtly carved on dense chromatic surfaces, achieving a result that goes beyond the purely formal to merge into the symbolic. He has presented his work in important galleries like Juana Mordó or the […]

Salvador Montó

Salvador Montó (Valencia, 1963) Montó is considered by many critics as one of the most outstanding artists of the new Spanish figuration. In Salvador’s glance over streets, skyscrapers or taxis there is a subtle overview of the city in which they appear, as suggested, many other things. His brushes transcend, even though his work is […]

Diego Moya

Diego Moya (Jaén, 1943) Throughout his extensive artistic career, Diego Moya has researched the limits and symbols of Expressionist Abstraction through multiple projects and artistic manifestations, alternating between architecture, painting, sculpture and installation. In his latest stage, he resumes work with light boxes and their quantum worlds -cubic pieces with hand-carved methacrylate sheets and a […]

Lucio Muñoz

Lucio Muñoz (Madrid, 1929-1998) belongs to the 1950s generation, and is considered one of the pioneers of abstraction in the Spain. Critics emphasized the expressive power of his work, full of mystery and with a strong presence of nature. His graphic work must be added to this (with vital technical contributions to the world of […]

Rosa Muñoz

Rosa Muñoz (Madrid, 1963) Rosa Muñoz is a Spanish artist and crucial photography of the staging (or built photography) movement representative- which comes from Spain. Throughout her long artistic career, Rosa has always worked from Madrid -her birthplace and actual residence. She holds a long history of both collective and individual exhibitions at national or international levels. Among the numerous solo […]

José María Navascués

José María Navascués (Madrid, 1934 – Oviedo, 1979) The work of the sculptor and painter José María Navascués was of vital importance in the artistic Asturias of the Sixties and seventies, being considered today as one of the most unique artists of the Spanish panorama of the second half of the twentieth century. In his […]

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