Luis Feo
Luis Feo (Toledo, 1975) The works of Luis Feo reveal a technical perfection only within the reach of very few artists. His hyperrealism is based on his great mastery of graphite and airbrush, layers and layers of varnish, his observation of the environment -found images and photographs taken by himself-, and his imagination that synthesizes […]
Gonzalo García
Gonzalo García (Gijón, 1966) His path as a sculptor began in the early 1990s when García attended “L’Europe D’Art D’Art” in Niort (France). There, a totem became his first work to be presented to the public. From there on, geometric abstractions, performance, installations and even teaching sculpture courses for the Spanish Ministry of Culture characterize […]
Juan Genovés
Juan Genovés (Valencia, 1930 – Madrid, 2020) To speak of Juan Genovés is to speak of the recent History of Spain. His firm belief in an ever-changing and compromised art led him to take part in some of the most significant cultural groups of the Spanish post-war scene: Los Siete (1949), Parpallós (1956) and Hondo […]
Pablo Genovés
Pablo Genovés (Madrid, 1959) Pablo Genovés’ work uses images -sometimes appropriated from old prints and photographs found in markets and antique dealers in Europe, other times taken by himself- and transforms them through digital techniques, mixing them with other images and previously painted canvases. This symbiosis, between a pre-existing reality and another created by the […]
Alejandra Glez
Alejandra Glez (Habana, Cuba, 1996) Alejandra Glez is a self-taught Cuban visual artist based in Madrid. Her work is focused on the deconstruction of stereotypes and stigmas associates with the female body. Through photography, video art, digital art and performance, Alejandra works with topics associated with Afro-Caribbean religions, collective memory and the spirituality that emanates […]
Dionisio González
Dionisio González (Gijón, 1965) Dionisio Gonzalez graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Seville and furtherer his studies in Computer-Assisted Image at the Moor Print Workshop in Devon, England, in Art Printing at the Art College of Heriott Watt University in Edinburgh and in Film and Television at the Aula do Risco School of […]
Luis Gordillo
Luis Gordillo (Sevilla, 1934) Throughout more than six decades of work, Luis Gordillo has navigated between various artistic currents, whose particular interpretation and perpetual renewal have made him one of the main artistic artists in Spain, both in the avant-garde of the last century and nowadays. His characteristic style is more a result of his […]
Ernesto Knorr
Ernesto Knorr (Vitoria,1957) Ernesto Knorr began working as a sculptor in 1978. As a disciple of a rich Basque sculptural tradition, his work drinks from the influences of the greats such as Jorge Oteiza and Eduardo Chillida, especially in the adaptation and appropriation of spatial and formal concepts. The result of years of investigation and […]
Ismael Lagares
Ismael Lagares (Huelva, 1978) Lagares is one of the Spanish artists of his generation with the greatest national and international outreach. Most of his production is made up of canvases, which can reach imposing sizes, where he applies dense oil impastos and hand-made ceramics covering the surface in striking three-dimensional compositions. He combines techniques such […]
Lisardo Menéndez (Mieres, 1960) Lisardo’s deeply personal style emerges from monochrome backgrounds with enigmatic and dynamic structures that he turns into completely unique compositions. The order, balance and deceptive simplicity of his paintings immerse us in a pictorial constructivism in which blacks, whites and reds predominate in a geometric abstraction with subtle figurative allusions to […]